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Reverse Mortgage Blog

Best way to obtain an accurate reverse mortgage quote

November 12, 2019

Due to the positive response to our recent letters, I thought it could be good to provide information regarding how to best respond. If a borrower wants to know the options in terms of refinancing a current reverse mortgage, the best way to get that process started is to fax, email, or use the standard mail to send us the most current mortgage statement and please include all pages. So much about the statements is not standardized that we find it safer to have the full statement so we can ensure that we have all of the information needed in order to provide useful quotes and in addition to that make certain we are aware of the subject property address and the age of the youngest borrower on title. We may not respond for a week or more and by providing email it is possible that a response will be completed sooner than if we only have a phone number and/or physical address. Thank you, Doug

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